Getting ready to take your ABAP C_TAW12_740 certification exam? Find everything you need to ace the 7.4 test in this SAP-endorsed resource Practice makes perfect, and you'll have practice aplenty with sample questions and answers on every topic covered in the exam. In addition, you can revisit key terminology and learn exactly what to expect from the test. Soothe your pre-exam jitters and make the grade
The Structure of the Test Don't walk in blind. This book prepares you for what the test looks like, and presents strategies on how to take it. Plus, calm your nerves with sample test questions.
Core Content Study up on the test information This book contains only information that is present in the test, so you can focus your attention on the material instead of combing through ABAP resources.
New Topics to ABAP 7.4 Brush up on the newest concepts like ABAP Push Channels, SAP HANA, and updates to internal table definition and use.
ABAP Workbench ABAP Debugger Types and data objects Internal tables SQL statements ABAP Dictionary Unicode Classical and selection screens Object-oriented programming ALV grid controls Enhancements and modifications Eclipse