Fans of Gerald Durrell's timeless classic My Family and Other Animals, which was the inspiration for The Durrells in Corfu on Masterpiece PBS, will love this hilarious tale that finds the author as an adult still charmed by his beloved animals. A...
The true and hilarious story of how Gerald Durrell and his wife set up their own zoo. Journeying to the Cameroons he and his wife, helped by the renowned Fon of Bafut, managed to collect 'plenty beef.' Their difficulties began when they found themselves back at home, with Cholmondely...
A hilarious story of how Gerald Durrell and his wife set up their own zoo. It tells how journeying to the Cameroons, he and his wife, helped by the renowned Fon of Bafut, managed to collect 'plenty beef.' It tells that their difficulties began when they found themselves back...
The true and hilarious story of how Gerald Durrell and his wife set up their own zoo. Journeying to the Cameroons he and his wife, helped by the renowned Fon of Bafut, managed to collect 'plenty beef.' Their difficulties began when they found themselves back at home, with Cholmondely...