Geared specifically to women, this book brings a feminine perspective to the Twelve Step program, searching out the healing messages beneath the male-oriented words. Recovery is not a man's world, and yet to a woman it can sometimes seem that way. Geared specifically to...
Este libro, pensado espec ficamente para mujeres, ofrece una perspectiva femenina del programa de los Doce pasos, buscando los mensajes sanadores detr s de las palabras orientadas a los hombres. La recuperaci n no es solo para los hombres, m s, a veces, para una mujer parecer...
This illuminating view of how women understand and process the Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous explores such essential topics as spirituality, powerlessness, and the emergence of a woman's sense of feminine soul. A Woman's Way Through the Twelve Steps remains true to the...