A Woman Perfected is a novel written by Richard Marsh and published in 1907. The story revolves around a woman named Margaret Murray, who is described as the perfect woman, both physically and mentally. Margaret is married to a wealthy man named John, who is obsessed with her...
A Woman Perfected is a novel written by Richard Marsh and published in 1907. The story is set in London and revolves around the life of a woman named Edith Sinclair, who is described as beautiful and intelligent. Edith is married to a wealthy man named Arthur Sinclair, but she...
Reproduction of the original: A Woman Perfected by Richard Marsh
Reproduction of the original: A Woman Perfected by Richard Marsh
Richard Marsh (12 October 1857 - 9 August 1915) was the pseudonym of the English author born Richard Bernard Heldmann. A best-selling and prolific author of the late 19th century and the Edwardian period, Marsh is best known now for his supernatural thriller novel The Beetle,...
"A Woman Perfected" is a novel written by Richard Marsh, originally published in 1895. The story is a blend of mystery, romance, and science fiction, exploring themes of identity, transformation, and the consequences of meddling with nature. The narrative...