"Lasky shows not only the facts of Wheatley's life but also the pain of being an accomplished black woman in a segregated world." -- Booklist In 1761, a young girl was sold to the Wheatley family in Boston, who named her Phillis after the slave schooner...
"Lasky shows not only the facts of Wheatley's life but also the pain of being an accomplished black woman in a segregated world." -- Booklist In 1761, a young girl was sold to the Wheatley family in Boston, who named her Phillis after the slave schooner...
In 1761, a young African girl was sold to the Wheatley family in Boston. The family named her Phillis after the schooner that transported her to slavery. Kidnapped from her home in Africa, she had everything taken away from her, but Phillis Wheatley was no ordinary young girl...
The moving story of how the first published African-American female poet regained what had been taken away from her and from slaves everywhere: a voice of her own. "We'll call her Phillis." In 1761, a young African girl was sold to the Wheatley family in Boston, who named her...