This book was so helpful in understanding behavioral issues better. As a teacher at a main stream elementary school, I encounter children with milder forms of Autism on a daily basis. I just have thought in the past that their disobedience was blatant. However, through the reading of this book, I have learned that bad behavior many times is a result of their communication and sensory issues. Something as simple as communicating...
I'm glad that I got my hands on this book! It is very comprehensive. The chapters on "Impact of Autism Characteristics" and "Increasing Desired Behaviors", were especially helpful. It really expounded on alot of much needed information that I need as a teacher. I have a boy in my class that has autism disorder and this book really gave me tools that I need to better meet his needs and be a better teacher. I can deal more...
A world of great information is shared in this book! Discipline, reinforcement, increasing desired behavior,sensory issues and stress management are just some of the topics that are covered. Sometimes discipline can be very tricky. The variety of behavior strategies definitely give an wide range of methods to deal with the individual. Negative consequences as opposed to punishment is emphasized. It offers some really good...
I bought this book not knowing what to expect. I just wanted something, anything to read to help my autistic child. This book is packed with stratagies, keys, cautions and important information. It has a table of contents and you can read what you need. It has a special problem area in which it speaks about eating habits, smearing poo, and various other situations that we may encounter. I use this book daily. I bring...
This book provides great hands-on tips for dealing with autism. The case studies and examples make confusing or unusual approaches much clearer and easier to try at home or explain to others (doctors, teachers, etc.). Reading cover to cover is unnecessary, all chapters can be read independently. The authors give clear, knowledgeable solutions for dealing with such problem behaviors as escaping, biting, and "stimming", along...