There are many proverbial phrases of time alluding to us and life continually changing. The change from childhood to adulthood is an extreme illustration of these two forces at work. The fife of Skon's Hall remains weakened from a devastating attack granting opportunity for others to invade. Each member of Skon's Hall must face the often dire challenges of responsibility, leadership, defense, and even the frightening unknown of growing up. The enemy comes down from the Northern Mountains in defiance of an aged truce; prejudice and hate mount from within the fife; and influences of the darkest nature seep in subtly contaminating the values of many thought to be innocent. We find ourselves scattered and fragmented yet we are bound by love and family. We must remain firm in unity of purpose and the defense of what we hold most dear even if alone.
Along the way, we gain unexpected and complex associations offering strength and resolve. Will we grow from the challenges of time's passage and the consequences of change each of us confronts, or will we succumb to the forces of evil threatening each of us?
Elfgon the Merchant of Hamwell