A Time of Reform
By: Sheryl Wards
A Time of Reform looks at the prison system in Texas through the eyes of young Julie Blac, a woman hired in a male-dominated profession who hasn't become jaded with the prison system yet.
The reader will see how Julie's unbiased approach toward the inmates she works with and the long-established system that dictates their lives bears positive fruit and breeds hope.
About the Author
Author Sheryl Wards began working in a Texas prison at twenty-three years of age. During her career she has worked as a teacher, social worker, disciplinary secretary, and a cognitive psychology counselor.
Sheryl earned a BS Ed from Texas State University in San Marcos, Texas. She is a certified teacher of Psychology, Biology, General Science, Earth/Life Science. and Physical Science.
She met her husband during her time working in the prison. He died from complications of service-related injuries (exposure to Agent Orange).
A Christian and member of the Eastern Star, Sheryl's hobbies include sewing, crocheting, embroidery, and researching topics to satisfy my curiosity.
Currently, Sheryl stay home caring for her ninety-two-year-old mother and her eight-year-old Morkey, which weighs a whopping seven pounds.