Divided into three sections, this book explores living with along-term condition, empowerment, and care management. Ratherthan being disease-focused, it looks at key issues and conceptswhich unify many different long-term conditions, includingpsychological and social issues that make up a considerable part ofliving with a long-term condition. Within each of the chapters, issues of policy, culture and ethics are intertwined, and casestudies are used throughout, linking the concepts to specificdiseases.
Key features:
A comprehensive textbook on the principles and practice ofcaring for people with long-term conditionsUser-friendly in style with learning outcomes, further reading, useful websites, and case studies throughout linking to specificconditionsMoves away from a disease-focused medical model, and takes aneeds-led approachUniquely explores the overarching issues of living with one ormore long-term conditionsFocuses on the importance of multi-disciplinary team work andcollaborative teamwork in the management of long-termconditions