Published anonymously in 1704, this prose satire by the author of Gulliver's Travels presents a story of three brothers, each symbolizing a Christian sect, and an unrelated series of digressions. The "tale" portion centers on Peter, Martin, and Jack, who respectively represent...
A Tale of a Tub was the first major work written by Jonathan Swift, arguably his most difficult satire and perhaps his most masterly. The Tale is a prose parody divided into sections each delving into the morals and ethics of the English. Composed between 1694 and 1697, it was...
A Tale of a Tub was the first major work written by Jonathan Swift, arguably his most difficult satire and perhaps his most masterly. The Tale is a prose parody divided into sections each delving into the morals and ethics of the English. Composed between 1694 and 1697, it was...
From the author responsible for the satirical work of genius, A Modest Proposal, Jonathan Swift's A Tale of a Tub is an allegorical work that follows three brothers after the event of their father's death. When their father, who meant to be God, dies, the three...
This edition of A Tale of a Tub by Jonathan Swift is given by Golden - Million Book Edition
Whoever has an ambition to be heard in a crowd must press, and squeeze, and thrust, and climb with indefatigable pains, till he has exalted himself to a certain degree of altitude above them. Now, in all assemblies, though you wedge them ever so close, we may observe this peculiar...
This vintage book contains Jonathan Swift's 1704 satire, "A Tale of a Tub". The first major work that he wrote, it is a prose parody about two brothers who are each representative of the chief aspects of western Christianity. It mainly deals with the ideas of religious enthusiasm,...
This edition of A Tale of a Tub by Jonathan Swift is given by Golden - Million Book Edition
A Tale of a Tub was written for the Universal Improvement of Mankind. It was the first major work written by Jonathan Swift, arguably his most difficult satire and perhaps his most masterly. The Tale is a prose parody divided into sections each delving into the morals and ethics...
A Tale of a Tub Written for the Universal Improvement of Mankind was the first major work written by Jonathan Swift, arguably his most difficult satire and perhaps his most masterly. The Tale is a prose parody divided into sections each delving into the morals and ethics of the...
Una aut ntica profanaci n del poder eclesi stico de su tiempo por el maestro del g nero sat rico. El presente volumen re ne tres de las obras m s importantes del gran escritor irland s, todas publicadas en 1704: Cuento de un tonel, obra maestra de la primera etapa creativa del...
Cuento de una barrica ("A Tale of a Tub"), tambi n conocida como Historia de una barrica o Cuento de un tonel, es la primera obra mayor de Jonathan Swift, compuesta entre 1694 y 1697, y publicada en 1704. Se trata de su s tira m s dif cil y probablemente la mejor. La historia...
A Tale of a Tub was the first major work written by Jonathan Swift, composed between 1694 and 1697 and published in 1704. It is probably his most difficult satire, and possibly his most masterly. The Tale is a prose parody which is divided into sections of "digression" and a...
"A Tale of a Tub" from Jonathan Swift. Anglo-irish satirist, essayist, political pamphleteer (1667-1745).
About the Series "Swift's Notable Works"VOLUME 1. A Tale of a Tub (With Illustrations from the 1710 ed. ( Woodcuts /. WOTTON) and 1811 ed. (London, Pub by T. Tegg)VOLUME 2. Gulliver's travels into several remote nations of the World (Illustrated by Arthur Rackham) VOLUME 3. A...
Swift's allegorical satire about religion and politics follows the lives of three brothers, Martin, Peter and Jack, who each represent a faction of the Christian faith--Anglicanism, Roman Catholicism and the Dissenting faiths respectively. Each brother inherits a coat (representing...
Swift's allegorical satire about religion and politics follows the lives of three brothers, Martin, Peter and Jack, who each represent a faction of the Christian faith--Anglicanism, Roman Catholicism and the Dissenting faiths respectively. Each brother inherits a coat (representing...