A Spoiler of Men is a novel written by Richard Marsh and was first published in 1905. The story is set in London and follows the life of a man named Martin Jocelyn. Martin is a successful businessman who has everything he could ever want in life, including a loving wife and a...
A Spoiler of Men is a novel written by Richard Marsh and first published in 1905. The story revolves around a wealthy and powerful man named Sir John Dene, who is determined to build a new type of battleship for the British Navy. He hires a young engineer named Richard Hatteras...
"It was a book called A Spoiler of Men, by Richard Marsh, and there was a repulsive crime on almost every page. It was Hot Stuff." - P. G. Wodehouse "A Spoiler of Men is as good as The Beetle, and when one has said so much, it is difficult to find higher praise...