The inaugural winner of England's prestigious Orange Prize, A Spell of Winter is a compelling turn-of-the-century tale of innocence corrupted by secrecy, and the grace of second chances. Cathy and her brother, Rob, have forged a passionate refuge against the terror of loneliness...
The inaugural winner of England's prestigious Orange Prize, A Spell of Winter is a compelling turn-of-the-century tale of innocence corrupted by secrecy, and the grace of second chances.Cathy and her brother, Rob, have forged a passionate refuge against the terror of loneliness...
The inaugural winner of England's prestigious Orange Prize, A Spell of Winter is a compelling turn-of-the-century tale of innocence corrupted by secrecy, and the grace of second chances. Cathy and her brother, Rob, have forged a passionate refuge against the terror of loneliness...
WINNER OF THE WOMEN'S PRIZE FOR FICTION 'Tense, dark and intensely gripping . . . written so seductively that passages sing out from the page ' Sunday Times Cathy and her brother, Rob, don't know why they have been abandoned by their parents...