Countless would-be readers of 'Finnegans Wake' - James Joyce's 1939 masterwork, on which he labored for a third of his life - have given up after a few pages and dismissed the book as a perverse triumph of the unintelligible." In 1944, a young professor of mythology and literature...
Since its publication in 1939, countless would-be readers of Finnegans Wake -- James Joyce's masterwork that consumed a third of his life -- have given up after a few pages and dismissed it as a "perverse triumph of the unintelligible." In 1944, a young professor of mythology...
Countless would-be readers of Finnegans Wake -- James Joyce's 1939 masterwork, on which he labored for a third of his life -- have given up after a few pages and "dismissed the book as a perverse triumph of the unintelligible." In 1944, a young professor of mythology...
Countless would-be readers of Finnegans Wake -- James Joyce's 1939 masterwork, on which he labored for a third of his life -- have given up after a few pages and "dismissed the book as a perverse triumph of the unintelligible." In 1944, a young professor of mythology...