A Singer From The Sea is a novel by Amelia E. Barr, first published in 1900. The story is set in a fictional island kingdom called Havnor, which is ruled by a queen named Elfreda. The protagonist, a young woman named Thora, is a gifted singer who lives in a small village on the...
A Singer From The Sea by Amelia E. Barr is a novel set in the 19th century on the Isle of Man. It follows the story of a young girl named Mona, who is born with a beautiful singing voice. Mona's mother dies when she is young, and she is raised by her father, who is a fisherman...
"A Singer from the Sea" from Amelia Edith Huddleston Barr. British novelist (1831-1919).
Reproduction of the original: A Singer From the Sea by Amelia E. Barr
Amelia Edith Huddleston Barr (March 29, 1831 - March 10, 1919) was a British novelist and teacher. Many of the plots of her stories are laid in Scotland and England. The scenes are from her girlhood recollection of surroundings. Her works include, Jan Vedder's Wife, The Border...
A Singer From The Sea