When I first saw Mark Fuhrman's book I looked away, incredulous, a natural by-product, perhaps, of the "star-struck" cast of all involved with the O.J. Simpson case. I remained of the view that Lucien Parti probably gunned down Jack Kennedy, with complicity of CIA operatives, perhaps, in a cover-up. I never, ever "bought" the Lone Gunman theory of the case and the so-called "MAGIC BULLET" conjured out of thin-air by Arlen...
After all the Conspiracy Theories ,Commissions,Investigations,Books,Movies,Documentries,etc.,Mark Fuhrman ,taking the detective approach,analyses the facts and methods that are the principles used in solving crimes like this;comes to the conclusion that the evidence supports the case that 3 shots could have ,and were fired from the window of the TSBD.The 3 shots came from the same rifle,there was enough time to accomplish...
There are many controversies about JFK's assassination, but the main controversy is about whether or not Oswald was part of a conspiracy. An author who holds that Oswald acted alone can either argue against the myriad and contradictory arguments for a conspiracy, or he can simply make his case that the evidence does not persuade against and in fact justifies the conclusion that Oswald planned and carried out his plan to kill...
Mark Fuhrman's attempt at explaining the assassination is well done. His findings correlate with what the Kremlin stated -- that Lee Harvey Oswald was indeed the lone gunman, and that the fact that he was so simple minded led to a belief that there could have been something deeper. Such a simple minded man with a vendetta is dangerous -- because no one expects or prepares for the act. Remember John Hinkley, Jr. (the would...