Hornblower leads his first ship of the line into enemy waters in this installment of C. S. Forester's beloved adventure series, called "exciting, realistic, packed with grand naval action" by the New Yorker. May 1810, seventeen years deep into the Napoleonic...
May 1810, seventeen years deep into the Napoleonic Wars. Captain Horatio Hornblower is newly in command of his first ship of the line, the seventy-four-gun HMS Sutherland, which he deems "the ugliest and least desirable two-decker in the Navy List." Moreover, she is 250 men short...
"Before there was Patrick O'Brian, there was C. S. Forester, " said the Wall Street Journal in a recent review that described the eleven-volume series of Horatio Hornblower novels as "spellbinding." This epic saga of turmoil and triumph on the high seas, which recounts the exploits...