Use this indispensable guide to elevate your leadership practices and improve your school's teaching and learning.
Designed to empower today's K-12 school leaders, this book will help you develop and implement a robust, systemwide approach to fostering structured and impactful Professional Learning Communities (PLCs).
Grounded in extensive research, the VITAL (Visibly Improving Teaching and Learning) Collaboration methodology offers school leaders a structured, data-driven framework for fostering collaborative inquiry to improve collective teacher efficacy. It equips leaders with strategies to build transformational leadership capacity, promote visible improvements in teaching practice, and ensure that all PLC sessions collectively lead to meaningful growth for both teachers and students. By embedding feedback loops into collaborative routines and focusing on evidence-driven inquiry, this innovative approach ensures that every PLC session contributes to making teachers more effective, ultimately improving student outcomes.
The text includes field-tested strategies, practical tools and guidance, and actionable steps for implementation. This guide is an essential companion to Kevin Perks's A Teacher's Guide to VITAL Collaboration.
Book Features:
Innovative Approach: Introduces the VITAL methodology, which pioneers a systematic way for school leaders to foster a culture of collaboration that leverages evidence of teacher practice and student learning within PLCs to help ensure improved outcomes for students. Research-Based Strategies: Built on a solid foundation of school improvement science, professional learning communities, and evidence-based leadership practices, the VITAL framework offers actionable strategies that drive both teacher development and student achievement. Practical Tools and Frameworks: Provides a practical framework with abundant tools and resources for school leaders to develop and sustain structured PLCs, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and instructional excellence. Leadership Capacity Building: Focuses on building transformational leadership capacity, equipping school leaders with skills to effectively support and lead transformative professional development initiatives. Comprehensive Resource: Serves as an indispensable resource with clear steps for implementing systemwide changes that elevate teaching and learning outcomes across a school.