Set in a future world where America has lost the war on drugs, an undercover cop, Fred, is one of many agents hooked on the popular drug Substance D, which causes its users to develop split personalities. Fred, for instance, is also Bob, a notorious drug dealer. Along with his superior officers, Fred sets up an elaborate scheme to catch Bob and tear down his operation.
Welcome to Sold, Viewed, Playful, New, where we spotlight popular/fascinating/favorite items in four distinct categories. Sold, for used books. Viewed, for DVDs or Blu-rays. Playful, for board, card, or video games. And New, for new books. Author Erik Davis coined the term High Weirdness in his book of the same name to refer to a genre of Sci-Fi and philosophical writing that charted "the emergence of a new psychedelic worldview out of the American counterculture of the seventies." While Davis focused primarily on authors from America’s west coast, I'm going to expand the category to include a bit more with this month's recommendations.