A Puppy for Christmas is a heartwarming holiday tale about a young African American boy with curly hair and a big dream-he wants a puppy for Christmas Join Malik as he decorates the tree, writes his letter to Santa, and waits with excitement for Christmas morning. When his wish comes true, Malik is overjoyed to meet Shadow, a playful black puppy who quickly becomes his best friend.
Filled with love, joy, and the magic of the holiday season, this beautifully illustrated story celebrates family, responsibility, and the bond between a boy and his dog. Perfect for children ages 3-8, Malik's Christmas Wish is a delightful addition to any holiday book collection and a story that will warm hearts for years to come.
Key Themes:
Celebrating family traditionsResponsibility and love for petsThe magic of Christmas wishesIdeal for bedtime reading, classroom storytime, or a cozy holiday gift