Yorkshire's detective duo descends into the kinky world of underground films in an "undeniably lively" mystery of murder and illusion (Kirkus Reviews). Reginald Hill "raised the classical British mystery to new heights" when he introduced pugnacious Yorkshire...
'Deplorably readable' Observer Everyone knew about the kind of films they showed at the Calliope Club - once the Residents' Association and the local Women's Group had given them some free publicity. But when Peter Pascoe's dentist suggests that one film in particular...
Dalziel and Pascoe investigate allegations made about the Calliope Club, which screens pornographic movies. But before theirinvestigations bear fruit, the cinema is wrecked and its owner killed.
Everyone knew about the kind of films they showed at the Calliope Club once the Residents'Association and the local Women's Group had given them some free publicity. But when Peter Pascoe's dentist suggests that one film in particular is more than just good clean dirty fun, the...