Dr. Jason Whitehurst poses a question: Why are the Ten Commandments viewed by a vast number of today's global citizens as "an out-dated sword over the heads of an ancient people rather than as the wise counsel of a father who knows what will keep his beloved image-bearers from the most common and ever-present kinds of harm?
Practical and Applicable ApproachA far cry from many indigestible theological dissertations, each chapter briefly explores the historical background of the Big Ten and then follows up with an active unfolding of the enormous present-day value of each commandment to all citizens, religious or not.
Excerpt from the BookDr. Whitehurst writes, "Thou shalt not" It sounds punitive. What it actually is: a Father's devotion to the wellbeing of the children in His care. No father whispers, "Ouch Don't touch " when a toddler reaches for a hot stove, or "Please come back" when a little leaguer races toward a busy road in pursuit of a baseball. "Thou shalt not" is the right emphasis and the right intensity when people are headed for disaster. Just because the Ten Commandments are hard to live by doesn't mean they should be ignored. God spoke them and] His concern for humankind hasn't changed."
One-Sentence SummaryThe God of the Universe remains actively involved in seeing to it that His human creation doesn't run off the rails in the many ways it is inclined to do.
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