Embark on a heartwarming holiday adventure with "A Nativity Christmas" by Tawney Anderson This enchanting children's book, the first installment in the captivating "Jenny Adventure Series," is a must-read for families this Christmas season.
Join Jenny and her animal friends on a magical journey to Grandpa Bob's farm for the annual Christmas story. A sudden snowstorm turns the celebration into a perilous situation when their truck collides with a pack of wolves. Feel the suspense as the farm animals come to the rescue, turning this Christmas tale into an unforgettable adventure of friendship and bravery.
Immerse yourself in the vivid illustrations of animal characters, creating a captivating theater of the mind that will leave a lasting impression on children and families alike. Experience the joy of Christmas and the importance of coming together in times of need. This delightful story exemplifies the true spirit of the holiday season.
Grab your e-book copy of this Amazon bestseller for just $2.99 (regularly priced at $4.99)
Read it on your PC, Mac, smartphone, tablet, or Kindle device. Better yet, purchase the paperback version today and receive the Kindle e-book for FREE Don't miss out on the opportunity to start the "Jenny Adventure Series" with "A Nativity Christmas."
Continue Jenny's adventures by diving into the complete "Jenny Adventure Series" with the five-book compilation, available for only $9.99 (regularly priced at $19.99) Save by purchasing all five books together and follow nine-year-old Jenny and her best friend Jonathan as they discover the values of faith, family, and freedom on Grandpa Bob's farm.
Explore the magic of "The Easter Miracle," "Hamilton Saves The 4th of July," "The Halloween Haunter," and "The Thanksgiving Trackers." Each book is a unique adventure that will captivate the hearts of children and families alike.Act now and make this holiday season truly special with "A Nativity Christmas" and the entire "Jenny Adventure Series"