After an historical survey of "A Midsummer Night's Dream" from Shakespeare's time through to the 19th century, Jay Halio focuses primarily on 20th century productions and adaptations, for film and television as well as for the stage. Chapters are devoted to productions by Max...
After an historical survey of A Midsummer Night's Dream from Shakespeare's time through to the 19th century, Jay Halio focuses primarily on 20th century productions and adaptations, for film and television as well as for the stage. Chapters are devoted to productions by Max Reinhardt,...
A Midsummer Night's Dream is one of Shakespeare's happiest comedies and his first clear triumph in that genre. A perennial favorite in stage performance, it has also been made into a number of successful films. Yet the play is also remarkably complex, as Shakespeare...
After an historical survey of "A Midsummer Night's Dream" from Shakespeare's time through to the 19th century, Jay Halio focuses primarily on 20th century productions and adaptations, for film and television as well as for the stage. Chapters are devoted to productions by Max...