In God's plan of events, nothing was accidental. Everything happened according to His inner plan. Human sensibilities become confused and overstimulated by day-to-day habits. Admittedly, our thinking is that a routine schedule will fulfill us with security, but when God's diversion emerges, everything changes. His beautiful perfect strategic alternative engagement made the impossible possible on where He wants us to be and become. Could this be a favorable grace set upon us? Is this God's future protection for his broken hard-hearted children? His blossoming refuge brings knowledge; it bursts into a nurturing aspiration. The Holy God revealed His son's attributes as a man in his lowest moments. Is there hope for us? Whatever is going on, we need to hang onto God's goodness and spend time on who the Loving Lord is. He is our highlighted answer. As my mind beheld, the thought of my potential, Boaz, crossed my mind. I had accepted what was laid out in my presence and what type of feelings could come along with what God has for us. I perceive it as joy, peace, happiness, and the unknown.