An unforgettable addition to his widely acclaimed body of work, The Late Child is Larry McMurtry's tender, funny, and poignant sequel to The Desert Rose--McMurtry delivers another rich cast of characters and a heartfelt, bittersweet story that unfolds on the...
The follow up to A Load of Old Balls which takes a light-hearted look at women in history. From Florence Nightingale to Marie Antoinette, Janis Joplin to Marie Curie, and Marilyn Monroe to Roseanne Barr, Jo Brand looks at those who stepped in when the men couldn't rise to the...
Harmony Palmer, ex-Vegas showgirl, has lost her lover and her daughter has just died of AIDS. The only good thing in her life is her son. Then her bickering sisters turn up and decide to take Harmony home to Oklahoma. On the way they are forced to take a new look at their lives...