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HistoryThis book is really good. It's about greed, trust, fortune, hope, and deception. Annie's rainbow is just money, and as she finds, money can't fix everything. I don't want to spoil any plotlines, but this book kept me captivated. I would recommend it for sure!
I read this book on a flight from LA to New York. I almost didn't want to get off the plane. Annie was a power person. I liked that she knew who she was from the git-go. I liked the way she took charge and made things happen. Totally believable. You people who give one star must be reading some other book because your analysis doesn't compute. And you don't have the courage to sign your real names either. Shame on...
I read this book in one sitting. I loved it! I liked the interaction and the dediction between the old and the young, between friends and family.It also gave me pause for thought. What would I do if I found a bag of money. I don't know. I found this to be a wonderful story as all Fern Michaels' novels are.
Annie is betwixt and between...should she keep the large sum of money that a bank robber tossed through her open car window or should she give it to the police. The story and characters unfold in true Fern Michaels style. This is a great story and one you won't want to miss.
A caring strong young woman who, through no fault of her own is faced with a rare delimna. A bank robber unwittingly tossed a quarter of a million dollars into her car. She, after much thought, decides to keep it - not for her personal use but to be able to place her mother in a caring nuring home. She opens a business with her best friend and they become very successful She helps her brother find his niche he too benefits...