In 1884 Jenichiro Oyabe left his father's house in Akita, in the north of Japan's largest island, Honshu. An unremarkable young man, Oyabe was to embark on a remarkable journey spanning Ainu lands in Hokkaido, the Russian Far East, Hawaii (at that point still an independent...
A Japanese Robinson Crusoe is a novel written by Jenichiro Oyabe and first published in 1898. The book tells the story of a young Japanese sailor named Yunosuke who is shipwrecked on a deserted island in the Pacific Ocean. He is the only survivor of the shipwreck and must learn...
A Japanese Robinson Crusoe is a novel written by Jenichiro Oyabe in 1898. The book tells the story of a young Japanese sailor named Yunosuke who is shipwrecked on a deserted island in the Pacific. Stranded and alone, Yunosuke must use his wits and survival skills to endure the...
""A Japanese Robinson Crusoe"" is a novel written by Jenichiro Oyabe and published in 1898. The story follows the adventures of a young Japanese man named Yasu, who becomes stranded on a deserted island after a shipwreck. Using his ingenuity and resourcefulness, Yasu must learn...
First published in 1898 and long out of print, A Japanese Robinson Crusoe by Jenichiro Oyabe (1867-1941) is a pioneering work of Asian American literature. It recounts Oyabe's early life in Japan, his journey west, and his education at two historically Black colleges, detailing...