Roxy found love... but is it enough?
In the second installment of The Polo Diaries series, polo player Roxy goes back to Argentina a year after the events in Single in Buenos Aires, filled with dreams of settling down with the man she loves. This time, once again, Argentina is full of surprises and things are not what they appear to be. Or maybe they're exactly what they're meant to be, as a fortune-teller informs her.
Roxy takes a leap of faith and follows her dreams once again. She spends time at glamorous party venues in Buenos Aires and travels to the rough and wild pampas. Along the way, Roxy's friends support and champion her quest for love, but when things get out of hand, Roxy realizes she needs to listen to her own inner voice and must make a hard choice. Two paths open in front of her, each one with far-reaching consequences. Which will she choose?
"Funny and poignant, this is a sun-splashed journey to love by way of a polo field in Argentina." --CHRISTINE ASHWORTH, author of the Star Tide series