Para que cualquier naci?n/estado/sociedad/comunidad conserve la plena soberan?a de su independencia en el manejo de sus asuntos, el control absoluto sobre los medios que emplea para intercambiar bienes y servicios debe residir en los ?rganos que representan al pueblo, y nunca...
In a 'History of Central Banking and the Enslavement of Mankind' ex-South African banker Stephen Goodson explains how the Central Banking "scam" originated, and how those who run it have throughout history used their power to subvert governments, and manufacture wars that...
In a 'History of Central Banking and the Enslavement of Mankind' ex-South African banker Stephen Goodson explains how the Central Banking "scam" originated, and how those who run it have throughout history used their power to subvert governments, and manufacture wars that...