A Hardy Norseman is a novel written by Edna Lyall and published in 1892. The story revolves around a young man named Sigurd, who is a strong and hardy Norseman living in the 10th century. Sigurd is a skilled warrior and a loyal friend, but he is also deeply troubled by the violence...
This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the original. Due to its age, it may contain imperfections such as marks, notations, marginalia and flawed pages. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for...
"You say your things are all ready, Cecil? Then I'll just go below and do up my Gladstone, and put it in your cabin. We shall be at Bergen before long, they say." The speaker was a young Englishman of three-or-four-and-twenty, and the sister addressed by him was still in the...
"You say your things are all ready, Cecil? Then I'll just go below and do up my Gladstone, and put it in your cabin. We shall be at Bergen before long, they say." The speaker was a young Englishman of three-or-four-and-twenty, and the sister addressed by him was still in the...
"You say your things are all ready, Cecil? Then I'll just go below and do up my Gladstone, and put it in your cabin. We shall be at Bergen before long, they say." The speaker was a young Englishman of three-or-four-and-twenty, and the sister addressed by him was still in the...
Reproduction of the original: A Hardy Norseman by Edna Lyall
"You say your things are all ready, Cecil? Then I'll just go below and do up my Gladstone, and put it in your cabin. We shall be at Bergen before long, they say."The speaker was a young Englishman of three-or-four-and-twenty, and the sisteraddressed by him was still in the first...
Reproduction of the original: A Hardy Norseman by Edna Lyall