The Spiritual Journey of Grief A Grief Observed is C.S. Lewis's honest reflection on the fundamental issues of life, death, and faith in the midst of loss. Written after his wife's tragic death as a way of surviving the "mad midnight moments," A Grief...
Following the death of his wife, Joy Davidman, C. S. Lewis penned the emotionally charged and deeply introspective A Grief Observed. Originally published under a pseudonym due to concerns about the unorthodox views expressed by one of Christianity's most prominent defenders,...
"I am grateful to Lewis for having the courage to yell, to doubt, to kick at God in angry violence. This is a part of a healthy grief which is not often encouraged." - Madeline L'Engle? Written with love, humility, and faith, this brief but poignant...
C. S. Lewis's classic work on grief presented alongside new works by Hilary Mantel, Rowan Williams, Francis Spufford, Jenna Bailey and Douglas Gresham.
Escrito tras la tr gica muerte de su amada esposa como una manera de sobrevivir los "dif ciles momentos de la medianoche", Una Pena en Observaci n relata los m s sinceros pensamientos de C. S. Lewis sobre los temas fundamentales de la vida, la muerte y la fe al sufrir...
In April 1956, C.S. Lewis, a confirmed bachelor, married Joy Davidman, an American poet with two small children. After four brief, intensely happy years, Lewis found himself alone again, and inconsolable. To defend himself against the loss of belief in God, Lewis wrote this journal,...
A Grief Observed comprises the reflections of the great scholar and Christian on the death of his wife after only a few short years of marriage. Painfully honest in its dissection of his thoughts and feelings, this is a book that details his paralysing grief, bewilderment...
In April 1956, C.S. Lewis, a confirmed bachelor, married Joy Davidman, an American poet with two small children. After four brief, intensely happy years, Lewis found himself alone again, and inconsolable. To defend himself against the loss of belief in God, Lewis wrote this journal,...
In April 1956, C.S. Lewis, a confirmed bachelor, married Joy Davidman, an American poet with two small children. After four brief, intensely happy years, Lewis found himself alone again, and inconsolable. To defend himself against the loss of belief in God, Lewis wrote this journal,...
Tras la tr gica muerte de su amada esposa como una manera de sobrevivir los "dif ciles momentos de la medianoche," Una pena en observaci n relata los m s sinceros pensamientos de C. S. Lewis sobre los temas fundamentales de la vida, la muerte y la fe al sufrir una p rdida.