In 1955, with this short story collection, Flannery O'Connor firmly laid claim to her place as one of the most original and provocative writers of her generation. Steeped in a Southern Gothic tradition that would become synonymous with her name, these stories show O'Connor's...
ONE OF THE GREATEST AMERICAN SHORT STORY COLLECTIONS In 1955, with this short story collection, Flannery O'Connor firmly laid claim to her place as one of the most original and provocative writers of her generation. Steeped in a Southern Gothic tradition that would become synonymous...
An essential collection of classic stories that established Flannery O'Connor's reputation as an American master of fiction--now with a new introduction by New York Times bestselling author Lauren Groff In 1955, with the title story and others in this critical...
An essential collection of classic stories that established Flannery O'Connor's reputation as an American master of fiction--now with a new introduction by New York Times bestselling author Lauren Groff In 1955, with the title story and others in this critical edition,...
This is the collection that established Flannery O'Connor's reputation as a one of the American masters of the short story. This now classic book revealed Flannery O'Connor as one of the most original and provocative writers to emerge from the South. Her apocalyptic...
"A Good Man Is Hard to Find" is Flannery O'Connor's most famous and most discussed story. O'Connor herself singled it out by making it the title piece of her first collection and the story she most often chose for readings or talks to students. It is an unforgettable tale, both...
This is the collection that established Flannery O'Connor's reputation as a one of the American masters of the short story. This now classic book revealed Flannery O'Connor as one of the most original and provocative writers to emerge from the South. Her apocalyptic...