"A Girl of the People" by L. T. Meade follows the journey of Mary Raymond, a young woman who leaves her humble beginnings in the nation-state to pursue a profession as a nurse in London. Determined to make a difference inside the lives of others, Mary faces severa demanding situations...
"A Girl of the People" is a novel written by L. T. Meade, a prolific British author known for her works aimed primarily at young readers. Published in 1890, "A Girl of the People" is one of Meade's many novels that explore themes of social justice, women's rights, and class...
"A Girl of the People" by L. T. Meade follows the journey of Mary Raymond, a young woman who leaves her humble beginnings in the nation-state to pursue a profession as a nurse in London. Determined to make a difference inside the lives of others, Mary faces severa demanding situations...