The primary intention of A Gen-R Journey is to bring to light the ongoing, unfolding, eternal walk of the author, who is just one of today's disciples of Yeshua Ha Mashiach, also called Jesus Christ. The changing tone, the evolving subject matter, and the developing writing style captured in sequential Bible messages reflect the author's spiritual growth between 2011 and 2017. By detecting the author's growth through these messages, the reader may find his or her own benchmarks in their Gen-R journey.
Hopefully, A Gen-R Journey will inspire non-believers to become believers, believers to become disciples, and disciples to fulfill all the plans God has for each of us and become the salt and light we are created to be. As the reader journeys from one message to the next, it is my prayer that light would be shed on the growth of your relationship with the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit regardless of whether you are old or young in age or old or new in the faith.
If you are a scoffer, may your eyes be opened. If you are already a believer, do not settle for salvation. If you are a disciple, do not just be a hearer of the Word, but a doer. Do not settle for just being a doer, but come into full agreement with the Father through His Word. Jesus said, "Greater works that these, you shall do." Are you doing greater works than He did? Have you fulfilled all the plans He has for you?
A journey through A Gen-R Journey should inspire each of us to take the next step in our walk into the immeasurable, glorious Kingdom of God.