""A Father's Curse and a Daughter's Sacrifice"" is a novel written by Anna Eliza Bray and first published in 1884. The story revolves around the lives of a father and daughter, Sir John and Lady Mervyn. Sir John is a wealthy landowner who is known for his harsh and cruel nature...
A Father's Curse and A Daughter's Sacrifice is a novel written by Anna Eliza Bray and published in 1884. The story revolves around a young woman named Maud, who is cursed by her father after she refuses to marry the man he has chosen for her. The curse causes her to suffer from...
A Father's Curse and a Daughter's Sacrifice is a stirring tale of love and redemption from Anna Eliza Bray, a celebrated novelist of the Victorian era. The novel tells the story of a young woman who must overcome great obstacles to save her family from ruin, and find the strength...