Long, long ago, a little boy named Almanzo Wilder lived on a farm in the New York countryside with his father, his mother, his big brother, Royal, and his big sisters, Eliza Jane and Alice. One special day is Almanzo's birthday. He gets to stay home from school, and even better,...
Long, long ago, a little boy named Almanzo Wilder lived on a farm in the New York countryside with his father, his mother, his big brother, Royal, and his big sisters, Eliza Jane and Alice. One special day is Almanzo's birthday. He gets to stay home from school, and even better,...
Now you can enjoy two more My First Little House picture books in paperback. In Sugar Snow, Laura is delighted when snow falls in early spring in the Big Woods of Wisconsin. A late snow helps the trees make sap for maple sugar, and maple sugar means sweet sugar cakes for...
Almanzo Wilder celebrates his birthday by breaking in a pair of calves and sledding on his new sled.