""A Fancy of Hers"" is a novel written by Horatio Alger Jr. The story revolves around a young girl named Jessie, who is an orphan and lives with her aunt and uncle. Jessie is a talented artist, but her aunt and uncle do not support her passion for art and instead force her to...
""A Fancy Of Hers"" is a novel written by Horatio Alger Jr., first published in 1885. The story revolves around the life of a young woman named Ruth, who is determined to make a name for herself in the world. Ruth is the daughter of a wealthy businessman, but she is not content...
Horatio Alger presents a vivid picture of village life in "A Fancy of Hers" (1892), which concerns the charming Mabel Frost Fairfax, who arrives in the New Hampshire town of Granville as the newly appointed schoolteacher.