""A Faithful Record Of The Miraculous Case Of Mary Jobson"" is a book written by William Reid Clanny and published in 1841. The book tells the story of Mary Jobson, a young girl from Sunderland, England, who was believed to have been possessed by evil spirits. According to the...
""A Faithful Record of the Miraculous Case of Mary Jobson"" is a book written by William Reid Clanny and published in 1841. The book tells the story of Mary Jobson, a young girl who was believed to be possessed by evil spirits in the early 19th century. The author, who was a...
""A Faithful Record Of The Miraculous Case Of Mary Jobson"" is a book written by William Reid Clanny in 1841. The book is a detailed account of the miraculous recovery of Mary Jobson, a young girl who had been suffering from a severe illness. According to the book, Mary Jobson...