A Dweller on Two Planets, (Or the Dividing of the Way) by Phylos the Thibetan (a nom de plume of Frederick Spencer Oliver) was originally published in 1905. The work is an important text in 19th century Atlantis lore. The book itself was actually channelled by Frederick Spencer...
A Dweller on Two Planets is one of the most important texts of the 19th century Atlantis canon. The book was "channeled" to Frederick Spenser Oliver (1866-1899) at his Northern California home near Mount Shasta over a period of three years, beginning when he was seventeen. Oliver...
The mystical culture and history of Atlantis is recounted by the author, who claimed to receive these insights from a mystical spirit known as Phylos the Tibetan during the 1880s. Various descriptions of Atlantean society are given; we are told that...
The mystical culture and history of Atlantis is recounted by the author, who claimed to receive these insights from a mystical spirit known as Phylos the Tibetan during the 1880s. Various descriptions of Atlantean society are given; we are told that...
A Dweller on Two Planets is one of the most important texts of the 19th Century Atlantis canon. The book was 'channeled' by Frederick S. Oliver. Oliver started to write this book at the age of eighteen, in 1883-4, while surveying the boundaries of his family's mining claim on...
The Dweller on Two Planets or the Dividing Way is a book written by Phylos the Thibetan. The book is a spiritual and philosophical text that explores the concept of reincarnation and the nature of existence. It tells the story of Phylos, a Thibetan who has lived many lives and...