I just bought this book (6/2004) and finished scanning it, as well as looking up some information for a patient of mine. Even though this book was published 4 years ago, it is still very up-to-date, with the exception of reference to HRT, which train of thought was dramatically changed after the WHI study results! This book is easy to read and has at-a-glance reference to help deal with those hard-to-answer herbal questions...
Dr. DiPaola points out two of the downfall of herbal or complimentary / alternative medicines (CAM's). (1) This book directly points out the fact that few quality studies have been performed to conclusively determine that such supplement are both safe and effective. Most studies probably do no more then create another question to be studied. (2) Indirectly, this book shouts the need to begin quality studies in this area...
As noted in the prior reviews, this bookhelps the consumer understand what a real solid scientificstudy consists of (in the introduction) and what solid scientific studies say about these products, as told froma physician who both cares for patients medically and performssolid research, published in the best journals. The only thing worse then selling, or even prescribing, an herbal product without a scientific study to back...
When it comes to herbs and supplements, there is so much hype out there--I never know what to believe. But this book looks at herbs and supplements from the medical standpoint, telling whether scientific evidence backs up the hype. It's great to find a comprehensive, well-written, easy-to-consult book to help me decide which products to use and which I shouldn't bother with, either because they're useless or dangerous. A must...