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Betrayal Friendship Identity Racism Slavery Survival The Underground Railroad Young Adult 9 - 12 Years Children'sIsabel Losada explores the many means through which people try to attain physical, emotional and spiritual growth and healing, often taking a hunorous slant on her experiences. She goes wholeheartedly into each new adventure and expertly gives her reader the step-by-step process she experiences, how it feels, if it worked, all while making you laugh out loud! My favorite was the colonic cleansing! Hilarious!
I realised when I was browsing around that this was the book I'd heard brilliantly read by the author on BBC Radio 4's 'Book of the Week' when I was in the UK. It's even better in the full version and funnier. I had to buy three copies and I have to give two to my friends too. Just buy it. Isabel Losada is brilliant. And she made me laugh out loud too. Not many authors can do this. Fantastic stuff.
this book was a fantastic find for me and gave me a great deal of joy. isabel's approach is wonderful, her mixture of healthy cynicism and her spirit of adventure combine to make a very inspiring also appeals to the reader in a way that its quite an intimate book to read, you feel like you are following isabel on the journey. at times highly amusing but also searching this is a book i've returned to again and again...
I read three books here.First there was the actual Battersea Park Road journey with all its interesting and sometimes quirky methods of self discovery that its possible for anyone to benefit from. even if you don't do any of these courses yourself, the book is like a surrogate weekend.The second book was an insight into the authors mind itself. I found myself becoming the author both mentally and spiritually- I felt all the...
It's a funny thing, but the person you are probably least likely to know is…yourself. Isabel to the rescue: this marvellous book is about achieving self-awareness through taking life-changing seminars—some run by batty spiritual specialists. In this hilarious book, she runs the gamut from a Tantric Sex weekend to a Goddess workshop, from earthly encounters with Angels to a spot of Rolfing. While being skeptical about all these...