Tap-tap, tap-tap A woodpecker welcomes morning to the Sonoran Desert, and with it, award-winning author/illustrator Caroline Arnold starts the clock ticking on one 24-hour cycle of animal activity in the desert habitat. Cut-paper illustrations, story-like text, and features...
Tap-tap, tap-tap A woodpecker welcomes morning to the Sonoran Desert, and with it, award-winning author/illustrator Caroline Arnold starts the clock ticking on one 24-hour cycle of animal activity in the desert habitat. Cut-paper illustrations, story-like text, and features...
Tic-tac, tic-tac. Un p jaro carpintero da la bienvenida a la ma ana en el desierto de Sonora, y con l, la galardonada autora/ilustradora Caroline Arnold pone en marcha el reloj para un ciclo de 24 horas de actividad animal en el h bitat del desierto. Ilustraciones de papel recortado,...