""A Daughter of the Soil"" is a novel written by M. E. Francis and published in 1900. The story is set in rural England and follows the life of a young woman named Joan. Joan is the daughter of a hardworking farmer and she has grown up with a strong connection to the land. She...
""A Daughter of the Soil"" is a novel written by M.E. Francis and published in 1900. The story is set in rural England and follows the life of a young woman named Cicely Yeovil. Cicely is born and raised on a farm and is deeply connected to the land. She is a hard worker and...
A Daughter of the Soil is a novel written by M. E. Francis and first published in 1900. The story is set in rural England and follows the life of a young woman named Dorcas Arkwright. Dorcas is the daughter of a farmer and grows up on the family farm, learning the ways of the...