It would be impossible for most of us to spend a day without coming into direct or indirect contact with dozens of people family, friends, people in the street, at the office, on television, in our fantasies and fears. Our relationships with others are the most changeable, infuriating, pleasurable and mystifying elements in our lives.
Personality types, based on the ancient system of the Enneagram, will help you to enjoy more satisfying and fulfilling relationships in all areas of your life by introducing you to the nine basic personality types inherent in human nature. This knowledge will help you better understand how others think and why they behave as they do, as well as increasing your awareness of your own individual personality.
Written by the leading world authority on the Enneagram, it offers a framework for understanding ourselves and those around us, as well as a wealth of practical insights for anyone interested in psychology, counselling, teaching, social work, journalism and personal management.
This book gives a very thorough and comprehensive exposition of the personality enneagram. There are books on the enneagram that go into details that this book does not, but they do not really stand on their own without a person being familiar with the material in this book. In other words, the other books are at best supplemental to this book. The author had studied the teachings of Gurdjieff, the insights of Claudio Naranjo,...
Here's a book that people seeking happiness in their careers should definitely read. It's the first step for career planning.Palmer gives clear, concise explanations of an intricate personality system making reading intriguing and exciting. Her understanding of the delicate nuances of the types makes her a trustworthy and solid guide. Additionally, she is particularly respectful to the limitations of categorizing people and...
This audio series offers an incredible description of both the enneagram and the nine different survival types. I've read a lot on the subject and have not seen anything this comprehensive to date. Plus, being audio, makes a fantastic way to pass the time commuting, working, walking, whatever.
I first read this book in 1997 and it was life changing as I discovered that I wasn't so strange after all, but rather one of many. Being an Enneagram type 8, I for the first time understood what coaches, teachers and friends had been trying to tell me for years. Helen Palmer's book helped me for the first time develop an empathy for how others view me and the rest of the world. I've now read at least 8 texts on the...