Discover the next gripping installment in the Hugh De Singleton's Chronicles series, following the life and adventures of Hugh de Singleton, surgeon in medieval Bampton, Oxfordshire. When the beadle of the manor of Bampton disappears after going...
A further episode in the Unquiet Bones series, following the life and fortunes of Hugh de Singleton, surgeon in medieval Bampton, Oxfordshire Alan, the beadle of the manor of Bampton, had gone out at dusk to seek those who might violate curfew. When, the following morning,...
Alan, the beadle of the manor of Bampton, had gone out at dusk to seek those who might violate curfew. When, the following morning, he had not returned home, his young wife Matilda had sought out Master Hugh de Singleton, surgeon and bailiff of the manor. Two days later Alan's...
A further episode in the Unquiet Bones series, following the life and fortunes of Hugh de Singleton, surgeon in medieval Bampton, Oxfordshire Alan, the beadle of the manor of Bampton, had gone out at dusk to seek those who might violate curfew. When, the following morning,...
A further episode in the Unquiet Bones series, following the life and fortunes of Hugh de Singleton, surgeon in medieval Bampton, Oxfordshire Alan, the beadle of the manor of Bampton, had gone out at dusk to seek those who might violate curfew. When, the following morning,...