According to UNESCO (1972), education fosters the intellectual growth, emotional growth, social development, aesthetic development, appreciative development, and spiritual development of pupils.This fundamental principle was reaffirmed by the International Commission on Education for the Twenty-first Century of UNESCO in the year 1996. Over the last several decades, educators, particularly those who have been working in the field since the start of the twentieth century, have shifted their focus to put a larger importance on the social components of education. According to their point of view, learning is a process that continues throughout one's whole life and enables adaptation on all levels (cognitive, emotional, social, and spiritual). Because of this, it is very necessary to focus equal emphasis on the holistic development of educators throughout their whole careers, but notably in the pre-service years of their professions. According to the International Commission on Education for the Twenty-first Century - UNESCO, 1996, the four primary pillars of education that are responsible for shaping a person throughout the course of their lifetime are "learning to know, learning to do, learning to live together, and learning to be."