"A remarkable book " --FR. BENEDICT GROESCHEL, C.F.R., Co-founder of Franciscan Friars of the Renewal
"Obviously a labor of love. If one were making a movie about the Little Flower, this would be the perfect book to provide the background material to help understand St. Th r se and all the people that touched her life." --FR. ROBERT J. BOYD, Ph.D., F.S.S.P., Third Order Carmelite
"An astounding achievement in the annals of Catholic hagiography. There has never been a work like this regarding the life and times of 'the Little Flower.' It will be an essential acquisition for every theological library, every Catholic school and homeschooling co-op, and every member of the lay faithful with a devotion to Saint Th r se." --CHRISTOPHER A. FERRARA, President, American Catholic Lawyers Association
"In A Companion to Saint Th r se of Lisieux we are given the opportunity to study Th r se in a novel way, through the optics of the people and places associated with her. I exhort all of you to come to appreciate she who identified her vocation as Love." --FR. FRANK PAVONE, National Director, Priests for Life
"This is an encyclopedia of information on the life and spirituality of St. Th r se of Lisieux. Here you will find information and photos concerning the Saint that have not been published anywhere else. The author is to be congratulated for his diligence and persistence in assembling all this material for the many Catholics devoted to the saint of the small and simple way to God." --FR. KENNETH. BAKER, S.J., Editor Emeritus, Homiletic & Pastoral Review