A Cobbler's Tale is an adventure story about Pincus Potasznik, a second-generation Jewish cobbler, born in a small shtetl in the province of Galicia, part of the former Austro-Hungarian Empire. In 1910, at the historic height of the massive Eastern European immigration...
A huge wave of Eastern European migration is hitting the New World.
It's 1910. Pincus Potasznik, a Jewish cobbler, has left his pregnant wife and three small children to sail for America. His goal is to seek a new life for his family in the burgeoning Lower East Side...
It's the year 1675. Eighteen-year-old Lukas Pietersen is about to consume the ceremonial substance, known as Moon Flower. The potent seeds from this nighttime blooming plant, as prepared and administered by a shaman, will cause Lukas to lose his memory and begin his...