A Christmas Carol is a beloved novella by Charles Dickens that tells the story of Ebenezer Scrooge, a miserly old man who despises Christmas and the joy it brings. On Christmas Eve, Scrooge is visited by three ghosts who take him on a journey through his past, present, and...
A Christmas Carol has become a phenomenal touchstone of English festive fiction and an enduring favourite internationally. Repeatedly adapted, parodied, stages and filmed, this richly influential novella is powerfully vivid and infallibly moving. Scrooge himself, Marley's ghost,...
Release Date: Dec 30, 2024
Dickens's classic tale of Ebenezer Scrooge and the Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present and Yet to Come. Classics Illustrated tells this wonderful tale in colorful comic strip form, providing an excellent introduction for younger readers. Also includes theme discussions and study...
A ghost turns up at Ebenezer Scrooge's home one Christmas Eve. It is Jacob Marley, his business partner, who has been dead for seven years. He is dragging heavy chains, and is obviously full of great sorrow and unbearable pain. While Scrooge is still trying to decide whether...
In Charles Dickens's classic tale of redemption, Ebenezer Scrooge is a miserly old man with no Christmas spirit. All that changes after he is visited by four ghosts on Christmas Eve and shown how his past, present, and future are affected by his actions. Young readers can follow...
This award-winning collection of adapted classic literature and original stories develops reading skills for low-beginning through advanced students. Accessible language and carefully controlled vocabulary build students' reading confidence. Introductions...
Great reads for all ages! The world's greatest classic stories come to life in these expert retellings. Baker Street Readers give an enchanting taste of the original tales, quoting best-known lines and most memorable moments, all supported with wonderfully witty and sometimes...
THE STORY: An adaptation of the story of Ebenezer Scrooge's journey from an embittered, ungenerous creature into a giving, caring human being at the hands of three spirits, who, one Christmas Eve, show him what life means. Of his new stage version
Large print edition of the classic Christmas story by Charles Dickens. (Book size is 8 x 10 inches - 14 pt. type)
Dickens's classic tale of Ebenezer Scrooge and the Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present and Yet to Come. Classics Illustrated tells this wonderful tale in colorful comic strip form, providing an excellent introduction for younger readers. Also includes theme discussions and study...
From the bustling snowy streets of Victorian London to the ghostly apparitions of Christmas past and future, award-winning artist Roberto Innocenti renders both the authentic detail and emotional impact of Dickens' classic Christmas tale in this unabridged edition.
Imaginative, heartwarming classic tells of the eerie encounters of Ebenezer Scrooge, an arrogant and insensitive miser whose ghostly journeys through the past, present, and future provide glimpses of his life as a schoolboy, apprentice, and young lover. His visions ultimately...
What if three ghosts take up upon themselves to show you the error of your ways? Ebenezer Scrooge is a man with no friends. He is a horribly mean, miserable and bitter old man. He does not love or respect anyone and is cruel to all. But things take a drastic turn for him when...