Imaginative, heartwarming classic tells of the eerie encounters of Ebenezer Scrooge, an arrogant and insensitive miser whose ghostly journeys through the past, present, and future provide glimpses of his life as a schoolboy, apprentice, and young lover. His visions ultimately transform him into a generous and caring individual -- loving all and by all beloved. Unabridged edition.
Here at Thriftbooks, we spend a lot of time thinking about the kinds of books our customers will enjoy. During the holidays, that extends to the books our customers would most like to give (and receive) as gifts. Our newest poll looks at book gifting trends. Here are some of the compelling stories we unwrapped.
What is Fixation Friday? In this new blog series, we'll spotlight a trending topic to explore. This week, it's Holiday Traditions, of course. If this is something you've been thinking about, read on as we drill down into the forms this theme might take in our lives.
One of my most favorite blogs to write is this one, my Christmas message to our ThriftBooks community. Each year I give careful thought to what theme and message to impart, and this year inspiration struck at one (of several) performances of A Christmas Carol, when this classic brought to the surface for me how happiness is really shared.
Be it revelry in the commercial consumerism so railed against by Charlie Brown, or a feast of seven fishes, or further still the quiet solemnity, incense, and psaltery organ of a midnight mass service, many different traditions are upheld as we approach Christmas.